Return & Refund Policy

Return & Refund Policy

If product not deliver to you the amount back to original mode of payment, the process will be initiated once the items are picked by our courier partner and this will take 10-15 business days. This option is applicable for all pre-paid orders paid using Debit/ Credit cards, Netbanking and Online Wallets.

Return Policy 

1. No item that has been sold as part of a multipack can be returned as an individual item.

 2. Certain sale events or offers will not covered under our standard return/exchange policies. Their terms will be defined and mentioned separately. 

3. Once we receive a returned parcel, we reserve the right to refuse the return of items that show visible signs of having been used and pack are open condition . Under what conditions can I return/ replace Wrong product delivered Expired product delivered Damaged product delivered – Physical damage/ tampered product or packaging • 12. Under what conditions return/ replacement requests will not be acceptable? 1. Opened/ used/ altered products. 2. Original packaging (mono cartons, labels, etc.) missing. 

4. The return/ replacement request is generated after 3 days from the date of delivery.